Hello, It's Me

Nazmus Sakib

And I'm a

with experience for over 2 years.

About Me

Front-end Web Developer

Welcome to my portfolio. I'm sure you know my name and what my job is from the top section. Yeah I am a Front-end Web Developer. I wasn't ready to be but I am now cause I love this thing so much. The story is that I had created a blog many ago and had to customize my blog's theme. That's why I started learning some basic html, css and js from Youtube. I stopped blogging later but didn't stop coding. Been practicing for over 2 years. Still I have much to learn and I say I've learnt nothing yet. Because I haven't got my first job yet and haven't completed any real project. Nobody hires. Doesn't even look at me. Well, thanks though for reading.

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My Services

Web Development

I mainly focus in Front-end Web Development. I'll create beautiful and responsive websites. The website will be compatible for all browsers. Awsome design from my idea.

Web Design

Creative Design comes from a creative mind and I have got that by God's grace. I design in a very unique way that you'll love. Just need some opportunities to show talent.

Data Entry

This was my old profession. I couldn't do well in this field and to speak the truth I didn't love this as well. But still I'm very good at this. I can help with data entry tasks.

My Skills

Technical Skills






Professional Skills

Problem Solving
Team Work

Recent Projects

Boutique Shop Website

I created this beautiful website for my cousin. He owns a boutique shop and wants to expand his business on the internet.

Grocery Shop Website

I created this beautiful website project for practice purpose. Although I copied this design form a tutorial video, but I created this with my own skill.

Website Design Fix

The buyer just needed me to modify some stylings of this webpage and I did that correctly.

Website Design For Voluntary Foundation

I was practicing development. My friends had a voluntary foundation. So I thought I should make a website for their foundation. I developed one but haven't hosted yet.

Interactive Map

I created this beautiful and interactive map for my client and friend. When someone hovers over the city names a pinpoint pops up on top of the city point on the map.

Destination City Description Page

When someone clicks on a city on interactive map it redirects to this page I created. It has some images and text descriptions as well as the categories included in the tour.

Form Function Development

This form was developed by another developer. But it wasn't working. I fixed it. And I added the captcha validations and form validations also. Now the form is working fine my client says.


Read what my clients are saying about me and my development skills.

Nazmus Sakib

ThisProin ut accumsan lectus. Integer vitae interdum leo, eget condimentum enim. Donec bibendum mollis lacinia.

Mohaiminul Islam

ThisProin ut accumsan lectus. Integer vitae interdum leo, eget condimentum enim. Donec bibendum mollis lacinia.

Polash Hossain

ThisProin ut accumsan lectus. Integer vitae interdum leo, eget condimentum enim. Donec bibendum mollis lacinia.

Sourit Mia

ThisProin ut accumsan lectus. Integer vitae interdum leo, eget condimentum enim. Donec bibendum mollis lacinia.

Nurin Jahan

ThisProin ut accumsan lectus. Integer vitae interdum leo, eget condimentum enim. Donec bibendum mollis lacinia.


ThisProin ut accumsan lectus. Integer vitae interdum leo, eget condimentum enim. Donec bibendum mollis lacinia.


I hired Nazmus for a specific job, but after several high-quality assignments, he has become the only HTML programmer I need for my online projects!


I hired Nazmus for a specific job, but after several high-quality assignments, he has become the only HTML programmer I need for my online projects!

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Personal Blog

Nazmus Sakib - 2024-02-12

The Art of Front-End Development: Crafting Seamless User Experience

In the fast-paced world of web development, the front end serves as the face of a website, the visual interface that users interact with. Creating a seamless and engaging front end involves a combination of design aesthetics, user experience principles, and mastery of coding languages. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of front-end website development, exploring the key technologies, best practices, and the evolving landscape of this dynamic field. The Front-End Landscape: An Overview Front-end development refers to the process of designing and implementing the visual elements of a website that users interact with directly. This includes everything from layout and typography to interactive features and animations. Front-end developers, often referred to as client-side developers, work to ensure a website's user interface is not only visually appealing but also intuitive and responsive. The Triumvirate of Web Development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript At the core of front-end development are three fundamental technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) HTML provides the basic structure of a web page, defining the elements on the page such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links. It acts as the backbone, creating the skeletal structure that is later styled and enhanced. 2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) CSS is the style language used to enhance the presentation of HTML elements. It allows developers to define colors, fonts, spacing, layout, and other stylistic aspects. CSS is what gives a website its aesthetic appeal and ensures a consistent look and feel across different pages. 3. JavaScript JavaScript adds interactivity to a website, making it dynamic and responsive. It enables features such as form validation, image sliders, and real-time updates without the need to reload the entire page. JavaScript is crucial for creating a rich user experience. Responsive Design: Adapting to the Multidevice World With the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and various other devices, ensuring a consistent user experience across different screen sizes is paramount. Responsive web design is the approach that addresses this challenge. Using CSS media queries, developers can create flexible layouts and designs that adapt seamlessly to different devices, providing users with an optimal viewing experience. The Role of Frameworks and Libraries As web development continues to evolve, frameworks and libraries have become indispensable tools for front-end developers. These tools provide pre-written code and standardized practices, streamlining the development process and improving efficiency. Popular Front-End Frameworks: 1. React.js: Developed by Facebook, React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components, making it easier to manage complex interfaces. 2. Angular: Developed and maintained by Google, Angular is a comprehensive front-end framework that facilitates the development of robust, single-page applications. It uses TypeScript for enhanced productivity and scalability. 3. Vue.js: Known for its simplicity and flexibility, Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that is easy to integrate into existing projects. It focuses on the view layer and provides a flexible architecture. Essential Libraries: 1. jQuery: While its popularity has waned in recent years, jQuery is still widely used for its simplicity and ease of use in DOM manipulation and AJAX requests. 2. Bootstrap: A CSS framework that streamlines the design process, Bootstrap provides a responsive grid system and pre-designed components, allowing developers to create consistent and visually appealing layouts. User-Centric Design: Crafting an Intuitive Experience User experience (UX) design plays a pivotal role in front-end development. It involves understanding the needs and behaviors of users to create interfaces that are intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually pleasing. Key Principles of UX Design: 1. Usability: Ensuring that the website is easy to use and navigate, with clear calls to action and minimal friction. 2. Accessibility: Designing with accessibility in mind to ensure that people with disabilities can use and interact with the website. 3. Consistency: Maintaining a cohesive design throughout the website for a seamless user experience. 4. Feedback: Providing users with feedback on their actions, such as successful form submissions or error messages. Performance Optimization: Speed Matters A critical aspect of front-end development is optimizing website performance. Users expect fast-loading pages, and search engines favor websites with shorter loading times. Developers employ various techniques to achieve optimal performance, including: 1. Minification: Minimizing the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files by removing unnecessary characters and spaces. 2. Compression: Compressing images and other media files to reduce their size without sacrificing quality. 3. Caching: Utilizing browser caching to store static resources locally, reducing the need for repeated downloads. Testing and Debugging: Ensuring a Flawless Experience Thorough testing is essential to catch and resolve issues before a website goes live. Front-end developers employ various testing methods, including: 1. Cross-Browser Testing: Verifying that a website functions correctly on different browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. 2. Device Testing: Ensuring compatibility with various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. 3. Performance Testing: Assessing the speed and responsiveness of a website under different conditions. 4. Accessibility Testing: Ensuring that the website is accessible to users with disabilities, following guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Collaboration and Version Control: Git and Beyond Front-end development is rarely a solitary endeavor. Collaboration with other developers, designers, and stakeholders is crucial. Version control systems, particularly Git, facilitate seamless collaboration by allowing multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously. Platforms like GitHub and GitLab provide hosting and collaborative features, enabling teams to manage and track changes effectively. The Future of Front-End Development As technology advances, so does the landscape of front-end development. Emerging technologies and trends, such as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), serverless architecture, and WebAssembly, are shaping the future of web development. Front-end developers must stay abreast of these developments to create cutting-edge, high-performance websites. Conclusion: Crafting Digital Experiences In conclusion, front-end website development is a multifaceted discipline that requires a blend of artistic flair and technical proficiency. From the foundational trio of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to the integration of frameworks and libraries, front-end developers are tasked with creating digital experiences that captivate and engage users. As we navigate the ever-evolving world of web development, mastering the art of the front end is not just about writing code—it's about crafting digital experiences that leave a lasting impression.
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Nazmus Sakib - 2024-02-12

Unveiling Front-End Web Development Trends

In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, the front end serves as the crucial gateway to user interaction and experience. Join us on an in-depth exploration of key trends that are reshaping the way we build and engage with websites. Responsive Web Design: Responsive web design remains a cornerstone, especially in a world dominated by diverse devices. As mobile devices contribute to more than half of global web traffic, the adaptability of responsive design is paramount. Utilizing flexible layouts, media queries, and fluid grids, this approach ensures a consistent and enjoyable experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. It not only enhances user experience but also simplifies development by reducing the need for maintaining multiple versions of the same website. Benefits of Responsive Web Design: - Optimal user experience on various devices. - Improved performance, accessibility, and SEO. - Reduced development and maintenance efforts. Dark Mode: Dark mode, once a stylistic choice, has metamorphosed into a user-centric feature. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it addresses eye strain during prolonged screen exposure. Major platforms recognizing its benefits have embraced dark mode, making it a standard in modern web design. This color scheme, featuring dark backgrounds and light foregrounds, offers advantages such as reducing glare, saving battery life on certain screens, enhancing contrast, and providing a comfortable viewing experience, especially in low-light environments. Challenges and Considerations for Dark Mode: - Design challenges for color palette, typography, and imagery. - Ensuring consistency and compatibility with light mode. - Attention to accessibility and avoiding compromise on functionality. Component-Based Architecture: The paradigm shift towards component-based architecture parallels constructing a digital edifice with Lego bricks. Breaking down interfaces into modular, reusable components fosters collaboration among developers and streamlines the development process. This approach not only promotes scalability and maintainability but also enhances efficiency. Each component, with its logic, state, and style, can be reused across different pages or projects, reducing code duplication and complexity. Advantages of Component-Based Architecture: - Enhanced collaboration and streamlined workflows. - Scalability and maintainability. - Reusable components for efficient development. JavaScript Frameworks: JavaScript frameworks, led by React and Vue.js, continue to revolutionize front-end development. Their prowess in creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces makes them indispensable for modern web applications. Beyond providing ready-made components, templates, and plugins for faster development, these frameworks offer benefits such as better performance through techniques like virtual DOM, easier testing and debugging, and a modular and consistent architecture that improves code readability and maintainability. React and Vue.js: - React, developed by Facebook, focuses on creating user interfaces using components. - Vue.js, developed by Evan You, provides a reactive and declarative way of building user interfaces. - Both frameworks are lightweight, flexible, and have active communities supporting their development. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Progressive Web Apps represent the convergence of web and native app functionalities, transforming how users interact with web applications. With features like offline accessibility, rapid loading times, and a native-like user experience, PWAs are gaining traction. They offer cross-platform compatibility, easy installation and updates, offline functionality through service workers, push notifications, and the ability to be added to the device's home screen. Benefits for Users and Developers: - Cross-platform compatibility and easy installation. - Enhanced user engagement through offline functionality and push notifications. - Reduced development and maintenance costs compared to native apps. Jamstack Architecture: Jamstack architecture, relying on JavaScript, APIs, and Markup, is gaining prominence for enhancing web development performance and security. By decoupling the frontend from the backend, Jamstack facilitates faster load times, improved scalability, and a more agile development process. This modern approach, not tied to specific technologies but embracing web standards, offers benefits such as faster performance, higher security, easier scalability, and greater flexibility for developers. Key Principles of Jamstack: - JavaScript for dynamic functionality on the client-side. - APIs providing data and services using reusable and serverless functions. - Markup generating static HTML files with a static site generator or build tool. WebAssembly (Wasm): WebAssembly introduces a transformative shift by enabling high-performance languages like C and Rust for web development. This binary instruction format, designed to complement JavaScript, offers faster execution and broader compatibility. While not a replacement for JavaScript, WebAssembly enhances web application performance and opens up new possibilities for use cases such as gaming, video editing, and computer vision. Advantages of WebAssembly: - Faster execution closer to native machine code. - Smaller size compared to JavaScript source code or bytecode. - Broader compatibility supporting various programming languages. - Potential for new and demanding web application use cases. Web Accessibility: Beyond trends, web accessibility has transcended from being a legal requirement to a moral imperative. Designing with inclusivity in mind ensures that websites are usable by everyone, regardless of abilities or disabilities. This involves considerations for various disabilities such as visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments. Prioritizing web accessibility not only meets legal standards but also fosters a more inclusive digital environment. Web Accessibility Best Practices: - Use semantic HTML to enhance screen reader compatibility. - Provide alternative text for images and multimedia content. - Ensure keyboard navigation and focus indicators for interactive elements. - Implement proper color contrast for text and background. Conclusion: In the dynamic realm of front-end web development, adaptability is paramount. Embracing these trends not only keeps developers relevant but propels projects forward, creating user experiences that not only meet but exceed expectations. As technology continues to advance, this journey promises to be both thrilling and transformative. Let's collectively shape the future of the web, staying curious, creative, and attuned to emerging trends.
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Nazmus Sakib - 2024-04-26

How To Use Google Analytics For Website Optimization

In today's digital age, your website is often the first interaction a potential customer has with your business. Ensuring that your website is not only attractive but also effective is crucial for success. This is where Google Analytics comes into play. Google Analytics is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into your website's performance, helping you make data-driven decisions to optimize and enhance the user experience. In this article, we will explore how to use Google Analytics for website optimization.

Understanding Google Analytics

Before we delve into the details of website optimization, let's start by understanding what Google Analytics is and how it works.

Google Analytics is a free web analytics service provided by Google. It allows website owners to track and analyze various aspects of their site's performance. This includes:

1. Website Traffic: You can see how many visitors come to your website, where they come from, and which pages they visit.

2. User Behavior: Google Analytics tracks what users do on your website, such as which pages they view, how long they stay, and what actions they take.

3. Conversions: It helps you track goals and conversions, such as product purchases, form submissions, or other desired actions.

4. Audience Insights: You can gain insights into your website's audience, including demographics, locations, and devices used.

5. Acquisition: Understand where your traffic comes from, be it organic search, social media, or referral links.

Now that we know what Google Analytics offers, let's look at how you can use it for website optimization.

Step 1: Setting Up Google Analytics

The first step is to set up Google Analytics for your website. If you haven't already done so, follow these steps:

1. Sign Up: Go to the Google Analytics website and sign in with your Google account.

2. Create an Account: Click on "Start for free," and then create an account for your website.

3. Property Setup: Add your website details, including the website name and URL.

4. Tracking Code: After you've completed the setup, you'll be provided with a tracking code. This code needs to be added to your website. You can place it in the HTML of each page you want to track.

5. Verify Setup: Google Analytics provides a Realtime overview, allowing you to see if data is being collected. It might take a few hours or up to 48 hours for the data to start showing in your account.

Step 2: Tracking Data

Once your Google Analytics account is set up, it's essential to track and collect data consistently. This data will be the foundation of your website optimization efforts. Some key metrics to monitor include:

- Pageviews: See which pages are the most popular on your website.

- Bounce Rate: Understand the percentage of users who leave your site without interacting.

- Average Session Duration: Measure how long visitors stay on your site.

- Traffic Sources: Determine where your visitors are coming from (direct, organic, referral, social, etc.).

- Conversions: Track specific goals and conversion rates.

Step 3: Analyzing Data

Google Analytics provides various reports and dashboards to analyze the data you collect. Here are some key reports to focus on:

1. Audience Overview: Gain insights into your audience's demographics, interests, and locations. Use this data to tailor your content and messaging.

2. Behavior Flow: Understand the path users take through your site. Identify drop-off points and improve user journeys.

3. Site Content: Analyze the performance of individual pages, including pageviews, bounce rates, and time on page. Optimize low-performing pages.

4. Acquisition Overview: Determine which sources drive the most traffic to your site. Focus your marketing efforts on the most effective channels.

Step 4: Implementing Optimization Strategies

Armed with insights from Google Analytics, you can now begin optimizing your website. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Content Optimization: Use data on popular and underperforming pages to guide your content strategy. Improve existing content and create new content that resonates with your audience.

2. User Experience (UX) Enhancements: Analyze user behavior and identify areas where visitors commonly drop off. Improve page load times, navigation, and mobile responsiveness.

3. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Use goal tracking to measure the effectiveness of your calls to action. Experiment with different CTAs and designs to increase conversions.

4. SEO Improvements: Use data on organic search traffic to refine your SEO strategy. Optimize meta tags, keywords, and content to rank higher in search results.

5. A/B Testing: Experiment with different design and content variations to see which performs best. Google Analytics can help track the success of these tests.

Step 5: Monitoring Progress

Website optimization is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor your Google Analytics data to track the impact of your optimization efforts. If you notice improvements, keep refining your strategies. If you see areas that still need improvement, adjust your tactics accordingly.

Step 6: Advanced Techniques for Website Optimization

To take your website optimization efforts to the next level, consider these advanced techniques:

- Event Tracking: Use event tracking in Google Analytics to monitor specific user interactions, such as video views, downloads, or form submissions.

- E-commerce Tracking: If you run an online store, enable e-commerce tracking to gain insights into sales, products, and revenue.

- Custom Reports and Dashboards: Create custom reports and dashboards tailored to your specific needs. This allows you to focus on the most critical metrics for your business.

- Segmentation: Utilize Google Analytics segments to break down your audience into specific groups. This helps you understand how different user segments interact with your website.

- Integrate with Other Tools: Consider integrating Google Analytics with other marketing and analytics tools, such as Google Ads, to get a comprehensive view of your online presence.

Step 7: Staying Updated

The digital landscape is ever-evolving. To maintain your website's optimization, it's essential to stay informed about the latest trends and changes in user behavior. Google Analytics often updates its features, so regularly review new functionalities and adapt your strategies accordingly.

Pro Tips for Website Optimization with Google Analytics:

1. Set Up Custom Alerts: Use custom alerts to receive notifications when specific metrics reach critical thresholds, allowing you to respond quickly to issues.

2. Use UTM Parameters: Implement UTM parameters to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and understand which channels drive the most traffic.

3. Create Custom Reports: Design custom reports in Google Analytics to focus on the specific metrics and data points most relevant to your business objectives.

4. Leverage Segmentation: Make use of segmentation to break down your audience into specific groups for more targeted analysis, revealing valuable insights.

5. Combine Data Sources: Enhance your analysis by combining Google Analytics data with other sources, such as user surveys, to understand user behavior and preferences comprehensively.

6. Implement Heatmaps and Recordings: Utilize tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg to visualize user interactions and identify areas for improvement on your website.

7. Regularly Review Data: Schedule regular reviews of your Google Analytics data to ensure consistent data-driven decision-making in your optimization efforts.

8. Collaboration and Sharing: Ensure your team has access to insights and reports, facilitating collaboration and informed decision-making in website optimization.

By applying these pro tips, you can extract even more value from Google Analytics and enhance your website's performance.

In conclusion, Google Analytics is an invaluable tool for website optimization. By setting it up, collecting and analyzing data, implementing optimization strategies, exploring advanced techniques, and staying updated, you can enhance your website's performance, provide a better user experience, and achieve your business goals. It's a journey of continuous improvement, but with Google Analytics as your guide, you're well-equipped to navigate the path to success.

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If you have any enquiry about my services or if you want to hire me for a project you can send me a message via contact form or you can send a mail to the email address below. Call me only when it's urgent.

  • nazmussakibsyam2@gmail.com

  • +8801610361041

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